Job Brief

May 2023 ι VOLUME 14 ι ISSUE 3
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Texas Job Growth Continues in April. Read details HERE.
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Workforce Board News

The Workforce Solutions Southeast Texas board will not meet in June. Please check our website for the next scheduled meeting.
economic dashboard
Workforce Solutions Southeast Texas launches Economic Prosperity Dashboard
Workforce Solutions Southeast Texas has launched an Economic Prosperity Dashboard with live, local labor market data updated monthly and accessible from the home page of the organization's website.

There is so much to glean from the new Labor Market Information Dashboard. Each dataset can be easily found, interpreted, and even downloaded with the click of a button.

Among the many datasets included in the new dashboard, here are some of the highlights:
  • Region, State, Metro Labor Market Comparison
  • Job Postings Trends
  • Industry Employment Leading Indicators
  • Top Companies Hiring
  • Occupation Concentration
  • Industry Characteristics
  • Job Postings by Edu Attainment
  • Postings vs. Hires
  • In-Demand Skills
  • Postings vs. Hires
  • Housing Market
  • Commuting Patterns
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"Southeast Texas Works!" PODCAST UPDATE

In May, Dr. Janeal White, coordinator for the Southeast Texas Coalition for the Homeless, joined hosts Kevin King and guest host, Maris Peno, to discuss the issue of homelessness in our area. Dr. White's organization, South East Texas Coalition for the Homeless Program (SETCH), is a community services division of the Southeast Texas Regional Planning Commission (SETRPC). Her group works to identify gaps in existing services and connects community organizations that provide services and aid for the homeless. In the podcast, Dr. White mentions that collecting local data on the homeless population is a difficult task.

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TWC Appoints Chamber Leader Steve Ahlenius to Board

The Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) appointed Mr. Steve Ahlenius on April 11, 2023, to the Workforce Solutions Southeast Texas board. Ahlenius is the President and CEO of Greater Beaumont Chamber of Commerce.

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Sour Lake Chamber Recognizes Motiva Port Arthur Refinery

Workforce Solutions Southeast Texas was honored to present the Large Business of the Year Award to Motiva Port Arthur Refinery at the Sour Lake Chamber of Commerce Annual Banquet on May, 23, 2023.

Motiva has been a decade long partner with the Sour Lake community with support after Hurricane Harvey, emergency response needs, scholarships to Hardin-Jefferson High School students and annual Sour Lake Chamber of Commerce community events. In addition to their outstanding philanthropic contributions to the Southeast Texas community, the company creates jobs and fuels economic growth in our region.

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Unemployment Rates - April

*Source: Local Area Unemployment Statistics (LAUS)/Texas Workforce Commission and Bureau of Labor Statistics

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