Job Brief

December 2023 ι VOLUME 14 ι ISSUE 10
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Employers - Click HERE to meet Joe Esparza, the new TWC Commissioner Representing Employers!
Upcoming Events

Employers - We're planning for 2024!

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Workforce Board News

The Southeast Texas workforce board will not meet in January 2024. Please check for updates.
economic dashboard
Thank you for Your Support in 2023!
Workforce Solutions Southeast Texas appreciates the partnerships and connections made throughout Southeast Texas with employers, industry and educational leaders, economic development specialists, and job seekers. Many of you visited our workforce centers, attended outreach activities, board meetings, seminars, virtual forums, job fairs, and hiring events. In 2023 we focused on jobs and skills in demand, leading us to a successful and record-breaking year consisting of events and initiatives to continue effective workforce development of Southeast Texas.
  • Our Career Coach visited schools throughout Southeast Texas with virtual reality headsets, interview tips, and resume advice. The career coach made a significant impact on the next generation, our workforce of the future, by visiting 21 schools and reaching over 4,000 students.
  • Hiring Red, White and You! A statewide veterans Job Fair with as many as 40 employers and 40 veterans and 157 total job seekers as the job fair was open to the public.

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"Southeast Texas Works!" PODCAST UPDATE

Our December podcast release features Captain Andrew Guidry, Sabine Pilots Association, and marks the 18th podcast episode of 2023! Captain Andrew Guidry from the Sabine Pilots Association provides insights into maritime careers, detailing training, and the pivotal role of marine pilots in ensuring safe navigation of commerce through the Sabine Neches Waterway. Captain Guidry highlights the symbiotic relationship between the maritime industry and the Southeast Texas economy, especially its influence on the petrochemical sector.

We'd like to thank all of our Podcast guests for making time in their busy schedules to share insights regarding Southeast Texas industry, economic growth, educational advancements, career opportunities, and the area's overall positive outlook for the future. We also appreciate the sharing of the personal growth, challenges, and success you experienced in your career.

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Unemployment Rates - October

*Source: Local Area Unemployment Statistics (LAUS)/Texas Workforce Commission and Bureau of Labor Statistics
Take Note - Southeast Texas wins two awards from TWC!

Workforce Solutions Southeast Texas received two awards totaling $150,000 at the 26th Annual Texas Workforce Commission conference in Houston, Texas, on November 30, 2023. $75,000 was awarded for Registered Apprenticeship expansion, a grant that provides funding for job training and encourages enrollment in registered apprenticeship programs for high growth/high demand occupations.

The remaining $75,000 was received for Vocational Rehabilitation Integration. This award recognizes collaboration between Vocational Rehabilitation and Workforce services provided to customers. Vocational Rehabilitation programs assist individuals with disabilities to find, retain or advance employment. Vocational rehabilitation also assists business create inclusive workplaces.

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Workforce Solutions Southeast Texas board member and staff are pictured with TWC commissioners at the conference.

A World-Class Competitive Workforce for Southeast Texas.
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